Basic usage

This extension adds the “argparse” directive:

.. argparse::
   :module: my.module
   :func: my_func_that_returns_a_parser
   :prog: fancytool

The module, func and prog options are required.

func is a function that returns an instance of the argparse.ArgumentParser class.

Alternatively, one can use :ref: like this:

.. argparse::
   :ref: my.module.my_func_that_returns_a_parser
   :prog: fancytool

In this case :ref: points directly to argument parser instance.

For this directive to work, you should point it to the function that will return a pre-filled ArgumentParser. Something like:

def my_func_that_return_parser():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('foo', default=False, help='foo help')
    parser.add_argument('bar', default=False)

    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()

    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('install', help='install help')
    subparser.add_argument('ref', type=str, help='foo1 help')
    subparser.add_argument('--upgrade', action='store_true', default=False, help='foo2 help')

    return parser


We will use this example as a reference for every example in this document.

To document a file that is not part of a module, use :filename:

.. argparse::
   :func: my_func_that_returns_a_parser

The ‘filename’ option could be absolute path or a relative path under current working dir.


Module name, where the function is located


Function name


A combination of :module: and :func:


A file name, in cases where the file to be documented is not part of a module.


The name of your tool (or how it should appear in the documentation). For example, if you run your script as ./boo –some args then :prog: will be “boo”

That’s it. Directives will render positional arguments, options and sub-commands.

Sub-commands are limited to one level. But, you can always output help for subcommands separately:

.. argparse::
   :module: my.module
   :func: my_func_that_return_parser
   :prog: fancytool
   :path: install

This will render same doc for “install” subcommand.

Nesting level is unlimited:

.. argparse::
   :module: my.module
   :func: my_func_that_return_parser
   :prog: fancytool
   :path: install subcomand1 subcommand2 subcommand3

Other useful directives


Do not show any default values.


Like nodefault:, except it applies only to arguments of types store_const, store_true and store_false.


Do not show subcommands.


Do not parse the epilogue, which can be useful if it contains text that could be incorrectly parse as reStructuredText.


Do not parse the description, which can be useful if it contains text that could be incorrectly parse as reStructuredText.


This can be used if you don’t have a function that returns an argument parser, but rather adds commands to it (:func: is then that function).